Pastors Charlie & Susie Coker
Charlie and Susie Coker are Senior Leaders and founders of Identity Church. They have been in the retail and wholesale lighting business for over 45 years and since 1998, have traveled in an itinerant ministry role all over the United States and abroad, releasing the Light of the Father’s Glory.
They have been married for 40 years, and have two sons, Jason and Bryan, two grandsons and three granddaughters.
Charlie and Susie have personally experienced a broken marriage and broken lives. Their testimony of God’s healing power in all areas of their lives is profound, and God is now using them to heal others. Armed with the healing of their marriage, and deliverance from racism (Charlie), they are effective in preaching and teaching those in the body of Christ how to rebuild their lives and make their homes Christ centered and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Their calling is to raise up a God centered people who can and will operate in the gifts and callings of God, and release the Glory of heaven. They also desire to tear down the walls between the clergy and their congregations. They model that all are ministers, and encourage, push and prod, until the family of God is operating in the fullness of all God has called them to be.