The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

Jul 28, 2024    Pastor Charlie Coker

This message explores the topics of planned obsolescence and self-esteem. It begins with discussing planned obsolescence, starting with light bulbs and extending to technology. The speaker then transitions to the original design concept and how it has been polluted with a different mindset. The message then shifts to the importance of reading non-religious books and expanding knowledge. The speaker introduces the book 'The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem' and discusses the pillars of self-esteem, including self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-assertiveness, and living consciously. The message emphasizes recognizing one's worth in God's eyes and embracing one's identity in Christ. In this Message, Pastor Charlie discusses the importance of self-esteem and how it can be developed and nurtured. He explores the six pillars of self-esteem: living consciously, self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-assertiveness, living purposefully, and personal integrity. Pastor Charlie emphasizes the role of parents, teachers, and leaders in nurturing self-esteem and highlights the biblical principles that can guide the development of healthy self-esteem. He also addresses misconceptions about self-esteem and encourages listeners to embrace their identity in Christ and serve others.